Could there be a Little Ice Age?

Snow avalanche

That is a question whose answer is very clear for a team of British scientists. In a study published in the journal »Astronomy & Geophysics» predict a possible small Ice Age around 2030.

Without a doubt, if it were to occur, it would be a kind of salvation for humanity and also for the other forms of life that exist here, on an increasingly battered planet.

By 2021 the temperature could drop, according to the mathematical model of solar magnetic activity that they used for the study. Scientists predicted a decrease in magnetic waves for three solar cycles. This decrease corresponds to cold climatic periods on Earth, and is known as the "Maunder Minimum", a period during which the sun has practically no spots.

Valentiza Zharkova, a professor at the University of Northumbria, United Kingdom, predicted a new "Minimum" or small Ice Age for the year 2030, which it would also last for 30 years as a consequence of the low magnetic activity of the star king.

Maunder minimum

Maunder minimum

It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. North America and Europe have suffered very cold and harsh winters. The last time was in the 50th century and lasted from 60 to XNUMX years. By then, London's River Thames was frozen, when it does not normally freeze. However, we can be positive.

If the prediction is true, many of us will have a hard time, especially if we are very cold; but without a doubt it will be a breath of fresh air, and never better said, for the Earth. With temperatures and pollution levels increasing, the Ice Age could be what the planet needs to regain the balance it so badly needs (actually, we need) so that everything goes as it should.

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