Why do mosquitoes bite at night?

mosquito biting

The terraces, the heat and the mosquitoes are inseparable companions during the summer nights. These unwanted guests usually appear at dusk, and this is no coincidence. There are multiple factors that explain this phenomenon.

In this article we are going to tell you why mosquitoes bite at night and what you can do to avoid it.

Why do mosquitoes bite at night?

tiger mosquito

The natural behavior of mosquitoes varies and many species show a preference for nocturnal activity. During the night, twilight, or early morning hours, when the temperature is cooler and humidity is higher, mosquitoes are more likely to be active. This nocturnal behavior helps them avoid dehydration and allows them to be more active.

During nighttime hours, mosquitoes encounter a reduced number of predators, including birds and dragonflies, allowing them to pursue their prey with less danger. Additionally, wind levels tend to be calmer at night, making it easier for mosquitoes to fly and allowing them to detect the smell of carbon dioxide and other odors emitted by humans and other mammals.

Overnight, people tend to exhibit less movement, especially when they are asleep. This immobility creates a favorable environment for mosquitoes to land and bite undisturbed. In the absence of light, mosquitoes rely on their ability to detect the heat and carbon dioxide emitted by their victims, which helps them locate their prey.

It is essential to remember that while many species of mosquitoes prefer to bite at night, there are also those that are active during the day. Besides, Factors such as humidity, temperature, and the presence of standing water can also affect mosquito activity.

Avoid mosquito bites

mosquito bites at night

To avoid mosquito bites during nighttime hours, there are several measures you can take. An effective method is to use repellents, which should be applied to the skin or clothing before going to bed. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus are often successful in deterring mosquitoes.

To ensure protection against mosquito bites outdoors at night, it is essential to dress appropriately. Opt for clothing that provides ample coverage, including long-sleeved shirts and long pants. It is important to keep in mind that mosquitoes They can penetrate thin fabrics, so it is advisable to opt for thicker materials or clothing treated with insect repellents.

To protect against mosquito infiltration while sleeping with the windows open, it is advisable to use mosquito nets. These nets can be placed on windows, effectively blocking the entry of these annoying insects. Besides, Another precautionary measure is to close the bed with a mosquito net.

To prevent mosquitoes from flying, it is advisable to introduce air flow into your environment through the use of fans or air conditioning. By keeping the air in constant motion, unfavorable conditions are created for mosquitoes to navigate and fly successfully.

To avoid attracting mosquitoes, it is advisable to refrain from using scented products such as perfumes and lotions with strong fragrances before going to sleep.

Studies that explain why mosquitoes bite at night

why do mosquitoes bite at night

For many, mosquitoes are a nuisance insect that can quickly become a nightmare, especially in hot weather. While there are some species that bite during the day, most mosquito attacks occur at night.

The Journal of Experimental Biology recently published research revealing that mosquitoes, like humans, have a biological clock. Like mice, these creatures are active at night. Using their internal clock, they wake up in the dark in search of sustenance. The Naked Scientist, an online platform created by the University of Cambridge, points out that this is the opportune time for the Anopheles to begin their assault.

There are differences in behavior between individuals. Aedis Aegypti mosquitoes, for example, show a preference for biting during daylight hours. To mitigate the risk of mosquito bites, Dr. Pérez Molina, representing the National Association of Health Agents, recommends that people traveling to areas where these mosquitoes are frequent wear protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, etc. long ones, socks and closed clothing. pointe shoes

Wave systems

If you find yourself plagued by nocturnal creatures that cause you to wake up covered in itchy hives, fear not, because there are alternative methods to achieve a restful sleep that do not involve the use of chemical-laden substances that emit bad odors. Ultrasounds, for example, present a viable solution, since They have the extraordinary ability to lull us into a deep sleep without disturbing our precious nocturnal tranquility.

According to a manual prepared for UNESCO by Santiago García, our ears have the ability to choose and prefer specific types of sounds. This is because there are two categories of waves: audible and inaudible. Even among audible waves, we only perceive those that fall within a particular frequency range.

Animals have a distinctive hearing range that exceeds the upper and lower limits of the human audible spectrum, which ranges from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Within the market there is a range of devices that use frequencies that They range from 30KHz to 65KHz to repel mosquitoes and a wide range of other insects. The mechanism used by these devices appears to deter female mosquitoes responsible for biting, simulating the movement of the wings of their male counterparts.

Some mobile applications, such as Anti Mosquito or Mosquito Repellent, use this method by producing a sound that is only audible to mosquitoes. Do these devices really work? However, before investing in a device, research by the US Federal Trade Commission suggests that its effectiveness is non-existent.

The idea is supported by additional research available on Pubmed. According to the authors of this study, entomological research validates the fact that electronic devices do not have any preventive properties against mosquito bites.

The effectiveness of a certain device was questioned in a publication found in Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. The study conducted in Gabon used a commercial ultrasound device in a residential setting. The findings revealed that the device did not produce the desired results.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about why mosquitoes bite at night.

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