The last rains do not solve the drought problem

Spanish embasles below normal

The rainfall that has fallen in Spain in recent weeks has served to recover somewhat the levels of the reservoirs throughout the Peninsula. However, they are not even close, strong enough to alleviate the problems of drought.

Do you want to know how the levels of the reservoirs have increased and the comparison with what we should have?

Total drought

reservoirs of spain

The drought in Spain not seen since 1995 in which the reservoirs throughout Spain reached an average of 34%. This 2017 is going to close with reservations by 38,15%, after three consecutive weeks of flooding. These floods have helped the reservoirs to recover somewhat, but they do not alleviate the severe drought suffered by Spain.

The total volume of water stored in Spain today is 21.391 cubic hectometres. This amount is far from the average of the last ten years, which stands at 31.691 cubic hectometres.

The levels of the reservoirs were not so low since 1995, when they reached 34,71% capacity. The situation this time is especially striking in some basins in the northwest, such as the Duero, which is at 31,38% (a level that has not been seen for more than 30 years) or the Segura, which is at 14,11 , XNUMX%, which is the most worrying.

Thanks to the rainfall of these weeks they have increased, especially in some accounts in the north of the peninsula that are in a very precarious situation. Some such as the Eastern Cantabrian, which is at 90,41%, the Western Cantabrian, which is at 61,20% and the Miño-Sil, at 44,22%.

Stored water deficit

storm bruno

The data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment known today, last of 2017, reveal that the basins with the most water deficit continue to be those of the Segura, which is at 14,11%; that of Júcar, 25%; the Andalusian Mediterranean basin, 30,58%; Duero, at 31,38%; and Guadalquivir, at 31,69%.

The Segura basin is the most worrisome and levels have not been so low for more than ten years, when they reached 14,26%. The levels of the Júcar have also been very low, although they were also so in the 2007 drought, reaching 20,02%.

With levels below 50%, the Miño-Sil basins (44,22%), Galicia Costa (46,64), Duero (31,38), Tajo (37,40), Guadiana will also close the year. (44,04), Guadalete (38,82), Guadalquivir (31,69), the Andalusian Mediterranean basins (30,58), Ebro (48,91) and the internal basins of Catalonia (45,79).

As we know, the north of Spain is not so affected by the drought, since its levels are higher: Eastern Cantabrian, which will end the year with levels at 90,41; Western Cantabrian (61,20); the reservoirs of the Basque Country (80,95), and those of Tinto Odiel and Piedras (at 69).

If we make an overview of all the reservoirs in Spain, we find a percentage of 38,15% compared to last year, which closed the year with 51,1%. As we can see, every year the drought becomes more pronounced and becomes more dangerous, since desertification also increases.

Uses of reservoirs and rainfall

There are two types of uses that are given to reservoirs: those for consumptive use (those for supplying the population) and those for generating hydroelectric power (through waterfalls).

Consumptive use reservoirs They are 33,3% away from last year's figure of 58,1%.

On the other hand, the reservoirs used for the generation of hydroelectric energy are at 49%, when the average of the last five years has been 62,2%.

The latest rains have affected almost all of Spain helping to increase the levels of the reservoirs, but according to the forecasts they will not be enough to alleviate the drought problems, which will increase in the summer.

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