The phenomenon of the three Suns

Phenomenon of the three Suns

El Meteorological phenomenon Today's protagonist seems to have emerged from a science fiction novel, but in reality there is nothing fictional about it ... it is something very real and takes place on Earth much more regularly than we think. It is known as the "phenomenon of the three Suns" and offers an amazing triplicate view of our star.

Naturally, it is not that the Sun has multiplied, but that it is due to a optical effect caused by the reflection of the sun's rays on the tiny ice crystals inside the clouds. This situation, unlike others that we have addressed (such as the fire rainbow), it occurs quite often, but we do not usually perceive it because we rarely dare to stare at the Sun.

Below these lines, you can see a couple more of images of this curious phenomenon:

Three Suns phenomenon 2

Three Suns phenomenon

More information - Fire rainbow photos

Photos - io9, Atmospheric and Terrestrial Phenomena, Now you know

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