The planet is in continuous development. The great puzzle pieces that make it up, what we call plate tectonics, have been in motion since practically the beginning of time. This is something that the human being must live with. Every day there are many earthquakes around the world; fortunately, only a few are felt.
One of the potentially destructive of this century could occur in Chile, a country where it is common for some of the most serious ones to occur.
A team of Chilean and French scientists have reached this conclusion in a study published in the journal "Earth and Planetary Science Letters". The next "earthquake of the century" could originate in the city of Valparaíso, located about a hundred kilometers from Santiago de Chile. With a minimum magnitude of 8,3 points on the Richter scale, it could be an especially dangerous event for those who are currently in the country.
Chile is a country where potentially destructive earthquakes occur quite frequently. In our recent history, it is worth noting that the May 22, 1960 in Valdivia, which had a magnitude of 8,5, March 11, 2010 in Pichilemu, also with a magnitude of 8,5 points on the Richter scale, or the September 16, 2015 in Coquimbo with a magnitude of 8,4. But why are so many produced in this part of the world?
The answer to this question found in the tectonic plates themselves, specifically, to the Nazca plate and the South American. The first converges under the second at a rate of about three inches a year, so that a 4,5 meter gap arises that is compensated every 70 years, which causes these dangerous earthquakes to arise.
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