The Arctic has had its warmest year in recorded history

Winter in the arctic

The planet is warming, but not everywhere equally. In the Arctic the situation is dire. Proof of this is the report published by NOAA at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union that took place in San Francisco.

A total of 61 scientists from 11 nations completed this comprehensive work, which is presented with images and maps that show the stark reality of the Arctic.

Temperature in the Arctic: rising at too fast a rate

Image - NOAA

Image - NOAA

In the Arctic the temperature is increasing, and a lot. In the image above you can see that there has been a rise of just over 2 degrees, while in the rest of the world the average temperature is 1,31ºC. Two degrees may not seem like a lot, but it can be the difference between having a landscape completely covered in snow most of the year, which taking into account the geographical location would be the most logical, or plants.

In Greenland the loss of ice is very striking:

Image - NOAA

Image - NOAA

About 3000 gigatons of ice has lost this year. A melted ice that, of course, ends up in the sea, causing its level to rise, endangering the lives of all those who live on the coasts or on low-lying islands.

Increased growth of arctic vegetation

Image - NOAA

Image - NOAA

When the temperature rises and the ice melts, it is to be expected that there will be more growth in the vegetation. In the Arctic, the right conditions are beginning for plants to grow, as you can see in the image above.

It may be nice, but it is not normal. As the temperature increases, there are many animals that have more problems feeding, such as polar bears, which are in danger of extinction.

If you want to read the study in full, Click here (It is in English).

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