Floods will endanger millions of people within 25 years

Flood in Costa Rica

Floods are meteorological phenomena that we will have to get used to. According to a study published in the journal Science Advance, could be devastating within the next 25 years as a consequence of global warming.

As temperatures rise, and unless a Mini Ice Age actually occurs, there will be changes in rainfall patterns around the world.

The rains are usually welcome, but when they fall in a torrential way they can cause a lot of problems, not only from falling trees and landslides, but they can also kill many people. Thus, it is important to know which are the most vulnerable regions, that is, those in which it will be necessary to take protective measures. To determine them, the researchers simulated the changes in the climatic and hydrological models at the global level associated with the increase in temperature, taking into account the current distribution of the population.

Thus, they could know that most of the United States, Central Europe, North and West Africa, as well as India and Indonesia would be among the worst affected areas by flooding in the next 25 years.

Effects of Hurricane Katrina

If the necessary measures are not taken, millions of lives will be at serious risk. In China alone, some 55 million people will be exposed to these devastating phenomena; and in North America they will go from the current 100.000 to one million. Unfortunately, and as often happens in these cases, developing countries, as well as those urban centers with a high demographic density, will be the ones that will have the most problems in protecting their population.

To this must be added that, even if it were possible to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which are one of those responsible for global warming, nothing could be done to prevent this from happening.

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