While the President of the United States, Donald Trump, is skeptical of global warming, his country's glaciers are melting. Of the 150 glaciers that existed in Montana's Glacier Park in the late XNUMXth century, today there are only 26 which have lost 85% of their ice mass in the last half century.
His total disappearance is near, so much so that we could be delivering this sad news in just a few years.
Studying glaciers is very important, since they are stable barometers of long-term changes on Earth as they do not react to annual climate trends. In this regard, the researcher of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Daniel Fagre, said that "you know that there is a long-term trend when all glaciers are melting or growing simultaneously."
The 4100-square-kilometer Glacier Park has glaciers dating back more than 12.000 years. Glaciers that are disappearing as a result of the rise in temperature on the planet and the increase in the frequency of water precipitation in front of the snow in the park.
According to geologists, the United States is likely to lose all its glaciers by the end of the century, leaving only those in Alaska, which are above the 48th parallel. Meanwhile, President Trump appears to ignore warnings from scientists, who plans to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement on climate change.
The president believes that environmental regulations are a brake on economic development, so he has begun the review of the emission control measures approved by Barack Obama, who promised to reduce emissions between 26 and 28% with respect to to 2005 levels.
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